







1.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Xinyi Diao. Exploring the open innovation information spillover effect: Conceptual framework construction and exploratory analysis[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 93734-93744. (SCI Q2)

2.Yu Chen, Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author). Sustainability with High-speed Rail: The reduction mechanisms of transportation infrastructure on haze pollution[J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(7): 2763. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 2.592)

3.Yuandi Wang, Yu Chen, Meijun Liu, Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author). Growth and quality of Chinese journals from 1949 to 2013[J]. Learned Publishing, 2018, 31(3): 205-214. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF: 2.200)

4.Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu, Meijun Liu. The geotemporal demographics of academic journals from 1950 to 2013 according to Ulrich’s database[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2017, 11(3): 655-671. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 3.879)

5.Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu, Weiping Li, Xiongfeng Pan. Does teaching benefit from university-industry collaboration? Investigating the role of academic commercialization and engagement[J]. Scientometrics, 2016, 106(3): 1037-1055. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF: 2.770)

6.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Guangxian Ni, YalinYang. Mapping the Landscape of Technology Attributes Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of SSCI Metadata[C]. 2021 4th International Conference on Big Data Technologies, 2021. (Conference paper, EI Index)

7.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), YalinYang, Rui Chen. Research Context and Trend of Knowledge Spillovers at Home or Abroad: A Bibliometrics and Social Network Analysis[C]. 2021 The 3rd World Symposium on Software Engineering, 2021. (Conference paper, EI 待检索)

8.Hongping Du, Maoyan She, Ruifeng Hu. Insights into markets for technology in China: Evidence from patent trades[C]. 2020 16th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2020.  (Conference paper, EI Index)

9.Na Wang, Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author). Research on the Quality of Agricultural Patents under the Perspective of Rural Revitalization[C]. 2020 International Conference of Management Science and Engineering Management, 2020, 224-239.  (Conference paper, EI Index)

10.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Yuandi Wang. Landscape of Chinese open innovation research: A scientometrics and knowledge mapping analysis of CSSCI metadata[C]. 2020 IEEE 5rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis, 2020, 110-115. (Conference paper, EI Index)

11.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Yuandi Wang. Determinants of firms’ external technology acquisition: From the perspective of technology country attributes[C]. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, 1075(2): 548-556. (Conference paper, EI Index)

12.Xiang Wang, Die Hu, Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu*(Corresponding Author). The effect of the family planning policy on population loss in China’s provinces[C]. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis, 2018: 361-367. (Conference paper, EI Index)

13.Yuandi Wang, Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Die Hu. Citing Time Lag: A New Determinant for Paper Quality? A Case Study on Management Journal in China[C]. 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2015: 1636-1641. (Conference paper, EI Index)

14.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author). Corporates’ technology governance strategies in the markets for technology: Technology trading versus licensing in China[C]. 4th ICGS Annual Conference: Navigating Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, 2018. (Conference paper)

15.Ruifeng Hu* (Corresponding Author), Yuandi Wang. The research for time lag in citations: A case based on the journal Science Research Management from 2003 to 2012[C]. The 16th West Lake Conference on Small & Medium Business: The Forum of Innovation-driven and Internationalization, 2014: 1-9. (Conference paper)

16.王元地, 胡锐峰*(通讯), 杜红平. 外部技术获取下企业技术能力提升研究——基于技术国别属性视角[J]. 情报杂志, 2017, 36(1): 201-207. (CSSCI)

17.王元地, 胡锐峰*(通讯), 胡谍. 期刊论文引用时滞现象初探——以《科研管理》期刊为例[J]. 情报理论与实践, 2015, 38(8): 56-60. (CSSCI)



1.主持,2021.05~2023.12,我校引进人才项目 我国四大城市群创新能力差异与创新网络演变研究”(编号:RZ2100000795)

2.主持,2021.06~2023.06,四川省教育厅科技金融与创业金融研究中心项目金融科技企业专利活动对区域创新能力的影响研究——基于我国四大城市群的比较分析” (编号:KJJR2021-017)

3.主持,2018.05~2020.06,四川大学研究生科研创新基金一般项目企业开放式创新信息溢出效应研究——基于第三方组织的视角” (编号:2018YJSY037)

4.参与,2020.1~2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目企业开放式创新的信息溢出效应研究” (编号: 71974136,博士论文选题来源)

5.参与,2019.08~2020.06,成都市软科学研究项目成都乡村振兴的科技支撑能力研究——基于15个副省级城市的比较” (编号: 2019-RK00-00420-ZF)

6.参与,2015.01~2017.12,四川大学中央高校业务费专项(哲学社会科学)杰出青年基金项目深化开放式创新在中国情境下的研究” (编号: skqx201502)

7.参与,2015.05~2016.12,四川省系统科学与企业发展研究中心科研项目产学研在创新过程中的主体匹配问题研究” (编号: Xq15B02)

8.参与,2014.06~2016.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目企业外部技术搜寻的平衡机制及其对绩效的影响研究” (编号: 71302133)

9.参与,2013.05~2017.11,教育部人文社会科学基金技术选择驱动的企业技术能力提升路径研究——基于技术属性的视角” (编号: 13YJC790154)






Scientometrics (SSCI)Journal of Business Economics and Management (SSCI)Applied Economics (SSCI)Social Sciences (Scopus)期刊审稿人;ICKIM 2021ICBDA 2022国际会议技术委员会成员(TPC Member
